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Showing posts with the label Québec 75

Revisiting Québec 75

Québec 75 /Arts, Cinéma, Vidéo , organized by the l’Institut d’art contemporain de Montréal and curated by Normand Thériault, has come to be identified with the period and the relationship between the art and their cultural identity. It transformed the definition of Québec art from one that rested on language and its association with the francophone nation, to one defined by territory and residence. More importantly, it solidified Contemporary Art as one defined by institutionality and milieu. It can be seen an “inaugurating a new vision of Contemporary Art in Québec.” [Véronique Rodriguez, “Québec 75 /Arts, Cinéma, Vidéo: pour un nouvelle vision de l’art contemporain au Québec” in Ed. Francine Couture, Exposer l’art contemporain du Québec: discours d’intention et d’accompagnement (Montréal: Centre de diffusion 3D, 2003), 17]