Julie Tremble 's Abiogenèse: des étoiles aux momies at Dazibao consists of two video installations that take up the space of the gallery. The first, Abiogenèse: des étoiles aux momies , is a four-channel installation of 3D animations offering a set of distinct tableaux depicting the birth of the solar system, pre-life mineral formations, and fossilizations. The second is Luce RTX3090 (2022): This speculative fiction is situated in 2062. A digital rendering of the iconic Québec actress Luce Guilbeault is 127 years old (in reality Luce Guilbeault died in 1991 from cancer). She chronicles how in order to increase workforce productivity every person on the planet now undergoes a mandatory anti-aging treatment that maintains the body as though they are 25 years old. But, in order to control overpopulation, at 65 years old, their bodies turn to dust. Within the same introspective monologue, she also considers how her life as an actress, captured on film, will contribute to her own im...
A critical revue of contemporary art in the city.