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Showing posts with the label Diana Thorneycroft

Reviews: Diana Thorneycroft at Art Mûr; Amanda Boulos and Cindy Hill at Centre Clark

  This week we deal with three shows that play with different types of fetish imagery. Unlike the more commonplace fetish imagery about “culture,” these are more overt in tackling eroticism. This is not to suggest that the culture fetish is not present, in fact, in two of the shows it is explicitly foregrounded. At Art Mûr is Diana Thorneycroft ’s exhibition of coloured drawings, Sing Into my Mouth . Thorneycroft has consistently changed strategies across her career. Her work divides easily into distinct directions and models that she has pursued for several years at a time. There have been thematic and stylistic consistencies within this. Her current drawings share something with her earlier ones depicting murdering one’s lovers and continue her interest in the perverse, whether that is taken as content or strategy. Throughout her career, there has also been a concern with either esoteric mythologies or more global ones subjected to various sorts of subversion. The more obviou...