I have already scratched out a few general statements on my position regarding art. One way to complicate this a bit is by way of contrast. There are a number of art theorists and critics I hold in high regard and whose notions would provide some significantly different nuances to what I am about to attempt, and perhaps fail, to articulate. For the sake of brevity, I will deal with only two here to delineate the background for my position. They are Donald Kuspit and Leo Bersani. Both were writers for October, Artforum and other publications. Bersani, in particular, has had a varied and expansive career covering many different art forms and darting off in various (not entirely reconcilable) directions. Kuspit has been much more limited, focused, and repetitive, working in a vein influenced primarily by Adorno. I find myself only partially agreeing with either of them most of the time, but I think they each provide some useful direction for art criticism. The following is not intended ...
A critical revue of contemporary art in the city.